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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

[email protected]

Children Ministry

The Objective of the Children Ministry is to provide a safe and nurturing environment where children can grow in their faith, expand their understanding of God’s word, and develop healthy habits for a fulfilling life, all while embracing the three pillars of Hallelujah Tabernacle Church: salvation, education, and health.

Children will be engaged in the following activities

  1. Bible Study and Worship: Children will participate in interactive and engaging Bible studies, where they will learn about God’s word in a fun and meaningful way. They will also have the opportunity to worship and praise God through music, songs, and prayer.
  2. Crafts and Games: Children will be able to express their creativity through hands-on activities such as arts and crafts, and engage in fun and educational games that promote teamwork and collaboration.
  3. Service Projects: Children will learn the importance of giving back to their community by participating in service projects such as food drives, toy collections, and volunteer work.
  4. Field Trips: Children will have the opportunity to explore the world around them through exciting field trips to museums, zoos, parks, and other educational destinations.
  5. Health and Wellness: Children will learn about the importance of taking care of their bodies and minds through activities such as physical fitness, nutrition education, and mindfulness practices.

All of these activities are designed to support the three pillars of Hallelujah Tabernacle Church and help children develop a strong foundation in their faith, education, and health.